
8 Years Ago Today...

I seriously cannot believe that it has been eight full years since our nation was attacked by ruthless terrorists slamming our own airplanes into the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon. Like me, you will never forget exactly where you were and what you were doing when it seems like our world was falling apart.

Earlier this year President Obama signed into law to make September 11th a "National Day of Service." I whole heatedly believe in serving others and doing what we can to help others, but I think it would better and make sense that today be a "National Day of Remembrance." It almost seems like the people in power want us to forget what happened eight years ago.

Let's go back in time to September 11, 2001. The entire nation was in shock! I remember thinking that it felt like I was watching a movie and in disbelief that someone would attack us. Almost 3,000 people died this day...not only the people working in the towers, but the people who were on the planes and the selfless heroes who risked their lives to save others. Shouldn't we be remembering that and have the day of service on September 12th?

On the 12th America came together. It didn't matter who you were. It didn't matter if you were male or female, straight or gay, black or white, or Democrat or Republican. We came together as a nation that I had never seen before in my then 24 years of life and haven't seen anything like it since. I was working at a book and crafts store at the time and we were sold out of American flags for months as well as every other store in the city, state, and nation! Patriotism was at it's highest and we were willing to do anything to help those in need. Volunteers, giving blood, etc. were at it's highest and continued for months if not years. Never forget.

As we look back on this day eight years ago let's remember those victims and heroes and not desecrate their memory. Tomorrow, do your part to serve someone else and continue to help this nation be the greatest it can be!

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