
Freedom? What's That?

Sunday March 21, 2010 will go down in history and be recorded in the history books, which would mark the beginning of the end of the United States of America as we know it. The House of Representatives passed the Senate health care reform bill with a reconciliation package (219 to 216 majority vote), which President Obama is expected to sign into law tomorrow Tuesday March 23, 2010. This action will fundamentally transform the United States of America. This bill is completely partisan - not one single Republican voted yea.

Read this article from the Wall Street Journal - "What the Health Care Reform Bill Means for You" or you can read the same aritcle on FoxNews.com.

A couple of things this article points out make me very uneasy. The first being "...employers will have to disclose the cost of workers' health coverage on their W-2 tax forms starting in 2011..." Basically, employers are going to be taxed on the health insurance that they provide for their employees up to 40%! Employers will be forced to lower coverage or pass on the cost to their employers...premiums will skyrocket even more.

Another thing is the uninsured will be now insured. Pre-existing conditions will no longer apply and insurance companies will be required to insure you. That's good if you have pre-existing conditions, but bad for everyone else. Insurance companies will be forced to raise premiums because they know that they will have to pay out more benefits. Premiums will skyrocket even more.

I personally believe that these two items alone will lead our nation to have a universal/single payer health care system. Private insurance will be forced out of business because it will no longer be profitable. When this "crisis" happens the government will have "no choice" but to step in and take control. Even Vice-President's Biden's said last week, "you know we will control the insurance companies." When the government controls the insurance they control how we live our lives through regulation. One-sixth of my freedom and liberty just flew out the window and not too happy about it. More to come...

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