
Indoctrination of Children

At a New Jersey elementary school kindergarten children are instructed to sing praises to Barack Hussein Obama...

I think that this is totally messed in the head. If this had been one of my children I would be livid and be calling for the resignation or termination of the teacher or teachers responsible for filling my child's mind with blatant pro-Obama propaganda. I believe that our children need to learn U.S. History in school, but not the obvious indoctrination of a particular political figure regardless of who they are or what party of whom they belong. Unbelievable!

A week before this was released another video came out that supposedly has been shown in thousands of schools and religious organizations all across the country. It's called "The Story of Stuff." The full video is over twenty minutes long and can be viewed on their website, but here's a short clip...

The whole video is basically saying how capitalism (free market) is bad and consumption and production is bad and how it's the government's job to take care of every need of the people. The video is also sponsored/made by the Tides Foundation, which is a radical left community organization who's goal is social justice/socialism for our country. More to come about the Tides Foundation...that's a whole other story in and of itself. Unbelievable!


Kristel said...

I wish youtube videos were captioned! How sad it is that these kinds of things are going to the schools without being discussed and decided on as a nation. If the ideas are so important, shouldn't we be "educating" the parents first?

Unknown said...

ok so i have to say something in defense of homschooling. i homeschool for various reasons. this particluar thing being one of them. another is the history aspect. i was watching glenn beck the other day and he was talking about anita dunn and her reference to the fact that mao tse tung was one of the two people she turned to most for advice. well that goes over most peoples head because they dont understand history. also because of political correctness and not wanting to offend anyone, teachers now cannot or will not condem any way of thinking including communism. infact a lot of teachers are being sucked into the misguided thinking that communisim and socialism is the way to take care of everyone because they themselves have forgotten history. i know that homeschooling is not for everyone, but for me personally, i cannot at this point bring myself to send my kid to school to be taught to follow directions blindly and not learn about history. this is exactly what happened to the chinese and why they ended up they way they have. a good book to read about it is wild swans. anyhow, just my little opinion on the whole school situation!

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