“In March 2000, California voters passed Proposition 22 to specify in state law that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. In May 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled that the statute enacted by Proposition 22 and other statutes that limit marriage to a relationship between a man and a woman violated the equal protection clause of the California Constitution. It also held that individuals of the same sex have the right to marry under the California Constitution. As a result of the ruling, marriage between individuals of the same sex is currently valid or recognized in the state.”
Source: http://www.voterguide.sos.ca.gov/analysis/prop8-analysis.htm
The proposal of Proposition 8 “…amends the California Constitution to specify that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. As a result, notwithstanding the California Supreme Court ruling of May 2008, marriage would be limited to individuals of the opposite sex, and individuals of the same sex would not have the right to marry in California.”
Source: http://www.voterguide.sos.ca.gov/analysis/prop8-analysis.htm
Proposition 8 in the state of California has been in the news a lot lately when the voice of the people overturned a Supreme Court ruling to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. The passing of this legislation has spawned protests of gays and gay activists all across the country…specifically targeting The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. Mormon). These protests, in some cases have been violent, is disconcerting to me because I am a proud member of this religion and am not ashamed of it.
Marriage between a man and a man or between a woman and a woman is directly contrary to the beliefs and doctrines of the LDS Church. The Church has previously issued two statements in support of a constitutional amendment on marriage – only July 7, 2004, and on October 19, 2004.
The October 2004 First Presidency (highest governing body of the Church) statement reads: “We of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reach out with understanding and respect for individuals who are attracted to those of the same gender. We realize there may be great loneliness in their lives but there must also be recognition of what is right before the Lord.
“As a doctrinal principle, based on sacred scripture, we affirm that marriage between a man and a woman is essential to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. The powers of procreation are to be exercised only between a man and a woman lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
“Any other sexual relations, including those between persons of the same gender, undermine the divinely created institution of the family. The Church accordingly favors measures that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman and that do not confer legal status on any other sexual relationship.”
Source: http://www.lds.org – Gospel Library > Magazines > Ensign > July 2006
Read the LDS Church’s publication: “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”
The LDS Church is now being targeted by protestors because it urged its members to call friends, family, and fellow citizens in California to urge support of the effort to defend traditional marriage. In addition to this, members of the Church – not the Church itself – raised over $21 million in favor of Proposition 8. The Church and its members are now being persecuted for their religious beliefs and doctrines, which was the reason this country was founded in the first place.
As one of the core beliefs – The Thirteen Articles of Faith of the LDS Church, number eleven reads: “We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.”
Source: http://scriptures.lds.org/a_of_f/1/1-13#1
Protestors are in fact protesting that their civil rights are being violated and demand equal rights as the same given to a man and woman given in marriage. When we speak of equal civil rights we often think of the civil rights movement of the 1960’s directly affecting African-Americans. In California, African-American voters rejected gay marriage 70% to 30%, which has created some racial tension. Obviously many people do not equate gay marriage with civil rights and that is the crux of the battle. Bill O’Reilly on his show The O’Reilly Factor quoted Larry Elder of KBAC, an African-American radio show host said: “It’s not the same thing. You are born with a skin color. Homosexuality is an action. Tradition and history clearly says marriage is between a man and a woman. The Constitution doesn’t deal with the issue. So to break down the traditional definition of marriage you’ve got to have a compelling constitutional reason. If you get civil partnerships there is no compelling civil reason.”
Does the civil rights of African-Americans equate with the civil rights of gay Americans? “If you look at the basic rights that were denied to African-Americans over the course of so much of American history whether it was the full voting rights, whether it was the right to own property, education rights, the right to eat in the same restaurant as white people, to ride in the same part of public transportation, public accommodations, hotels…all of it. To equate that with this great discussion and this great debate over marriage I think is quite off base to put it lightly.” (Laura Ingram, The O’Reilly Factor, November 13, 2008). 70% of African-Americans from diverse backgrounds chose to come out and vote for Proposition 8.
O’Reilly finished up the debate with this statement: “Religious Americans have a right to their opinion and they have a right to express it and they have a right to vote it. They exercised that right. They lost in California, that was the will of the people…it’s as simple as that.” To actively protest and target The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for also exercising that right and holding them responsible is wrong. It was the voice of the people to pass Proposition 8…not the voice of the LDS Church.
Next blog post: Where does Barack Obama stand on gay marriage and his view on Proposition 8?
Did Barack Obama Fill Out One Of These?
CNN just came out with this news article titled, "White House Job Application Leaves No Stone Unturned." Apparently if you want to work for the Obama Administration you have to fill out a seven page, 63 item questionaire that basically spills everything there is to know about yourself.
From the story it says, "The questions cover everything from information on family members, Facebook pages, blogs and hired help to links to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, American International Group and troubled banks as well as lawsuits, gifts, resumes, loans and more.
"The largest part of the questionnaire asks prospective White House appointees and their spouses to list real estate and other business transactions, affiliations and relationships as well as personal financial and tax information.
"It also asks about writings, speeches, testimony, online communications and even personal diaries.
"An entire section requests details on any criminal or civil legal action in which the applicant may have been involved. The last question in that 11-item section asks for details on any child support or alimony orders.
"In an apparent effort to avoid the problems faced by several nominees in the last two administrations, a block of four questions is devoted to ferreting out details -- including the immigration status -- of any domestic help the applicant may have hired.
"Question 61 seems to have been prompted by the controversy over former 1960s radical William Ayres in Obama's campaign: 'Have you had any association with any person, group or business venture that could be used -- even unfairly -- to impugn or attack your character or qualifications for government service?'
"Under the final, "Miscellaneous" category, the questionnaire asks for the names and phone numbers of past live-in lovers; whether anyone in the applicant's family owns a gun; the state of the applicant's health; and whether he or she has any enemies."
As I was reading this article I could help ask the question: Did Barack Obama fill out this questionaire? If not, he should and have it published on the Internet because WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIM! He wouldn't even pass his own questionaire! Question #61 has to be my favorite due to Obama's own association with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers. It's pretty hypocrisy if you ask me because I do not believe that Obama has fully disclosed and given all the details concerning that relationship. Also, what about his college transcripts, medical records, thesis, his own links to the mortgage giants, and more.
From the story it says, "The questions cover everything from information on family members, Facebook pages, blogs and hired help to links to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, American International Group and troubled banks as well as lawsuits, gifts, resumes, loans and more.
"The largest part of the questionnaire asks prospective White House appointees and their spouses to list real estate and other business transactions, affiliations and relationships as well as personal financial and tax information.
"It also asks about writings, speeches, testimony, online communications and even personal diaries.
"An entire section requests details on any criminal or civil legal action in which the applicant may have been involved. The last question in that 11-item section asks for details on any child support or alimony orders.
"In an apparent effort to avoid the problems faced by several nominees in the last two administrations, a block of four questions is devoted to ferreting out details -- including the immigration status -- of any domestic help the applicant may have hired.
"Question 61 seems to have been prompted by the controversy over former 1960s radical William Ayres in Obama's campaign: 'Have you had any association with any person, group or business venture that could be used -- even unfairly -- to impugn or attack your character or qualifications for government service?'
"Under the final, "Miscellaneous" category, the questionnaire asks for the names and phone numbers of past live-in lovers; whether anyone in the applicant's family owns a gun; the state of the applicant's health; and whether he or she has any enemies."
As I was reading this article I could help ask the question: Did Barack Obama fill out this questionaire? If not, he should and have it published on the Internet because WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIM! He wouldn't even pass his own questionaire! Question #61 has to be my favorite due to Obama's own association with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers. It's pretty hypocrisy if you ask me because I do not believe that Obama has fully disclosed and given all the details concerning that relationship. Also, what about his college transcripts, medical records, thesis, his own links to the mortgage giants, and more.
Obama's Launches New Website
I've really got to hand it to President Elect Barack Obama. One of reasons why I think he won the election was because of his use of using modern day technology to reach out to Americans...mainly use of cell phone text messaging and the Internet. His main Website is very professional and compared to John McCain's was very significant. A lot of money was spent in these efforts. Days after victory he launched his new Website: http://www.change.gov, which must have been in place and ready to go before victory was achieved. I haven't had a chance to look indepth at this new Website yet, but will. My first thought was that Obama can now put whatever he wants the American people to hear/read/see but do something else. I really really hope that Obama proves me and other conservatives in exile wrong and leads this country to prosperity and growth, but the minute he does something against what he said he was going to do you can be sure I'll blog about it here.
Obama Picks White House Chief of Staff

Who is Rahm Emanuel?
Rahm Emanuel, 48, is a leader in Congress committed to addressing the challenges facing families across the nation. Since taking the oath of office in 2003, he has been a strong, effective voice for Chicago in Congress.
At the beginning of his second term, Emanuel received an assignment to serve on the House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees taxes, trade, Social Security, and Medicare issues. Additionally, Emanuel was appointed by then House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to serve as Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Under his leadership, the DCCC expanded the Democratic Party’s reach in every region of the country. Democrats gained 30 seats in the House and ushered in a new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives.
In January of 2007, the new majority elected Emanuel to serve as Democratic Caucus Chair, the 4th highest ranking Member of the House Democratic Leadership.
As Chair, Emanuel led the Democratic Caucus in fulfilling its campaign promise to pass legislation reflecting the values and priorities of the American people. In the first 100 legislative hours, Democrats passed sweeping ethics reform, strengthened our national security, increased minimum wage, expanded stem cell research, lowered the cost of prescription drugs, cut interest rates on student loans, and ended the subsidies for the oil industry.
Emanuel began his career with the consumer rights organization Illinois Public Action. He worked on Paul Simon’s 1984 election to the U.S. Senate and in 1989 served as a senior advisor and chief fundraiser for Richard M. Daley. Emanuel served as a senior advisor to President Bill Clinton. After leaving the White House, Emanuel returned to Chicago to serve as a managing director at a leading global investment bank.
Emanuel graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in 1981, and received a Master’s Degree in Speech and Communication from Northwestern University in 1985. He is a resident of Chicago’s Ravenswood neighborhood where he and his wife are raising three children. VIEW SOURCE
Defined: Whitehouse Chief of Staff
The White House Chief of Staff is the highest-ranking member of the Executive Office of the President of the United States and a senior aide to the President. The U.S. President's Chief of Staff is a very powerful position, sometimes dubbed "The Second-Most Powerful Man in Washington.
The duties of the White House Chief of Staff vary greatly from one administration to another. However, he/she is responsible for overseeing the actions of the White House staff, managing the President's schedule, and deciding who is allowed to meet with the President. Because of these duties, the Chief of Staff has at various times been dubbed "The Gatekeeper" and "The co-President. VIEW SOURCE
President Elect: Barack Obama
The results are almost all in and the next President of the United States is going to be Senator Barack Obama from Illinois. I'd be lying if I said I was happy about the results...in fact I am very disappointed.
In the words of my brother Blake, "How does a virturally unknown, untested, voted most liberal in the Senate, radical, racist get this close to the presidency? Ignorance. And it's our country's most expensive commodity and it's gonna cost us dearly." I couldn't have said it any better...God help us all.
It is amazing to me though at how far our country has come in a very short amount of time. Think about it, we are going to have the first African-American president! Even a year ago many would have said it wasn't possible...yet the voice of the people have spoken.
This blog will continue to operate and posts will continue to come. I plan to keep an eye on the future Obama administration and politics in general. It's been great being involved, researching the issues, and having the knowledge needed to make an educated decision. November 4, 2008 will forever be etched in my mind.
In the words of my brother Blake, "How does a virturally unknown, untested, voted most liberal in the Senate, radical, racist get this close to the presidency? Ignorance. And it's our country's most expensive commodity and it's gonna cost us dearly." I couldn't have said it any better...God help us all.
It is amazing to me though at how far our country has come in a very short amount of time. Think about it, we are going to have the first African-American president! Even a year ago many would have said it wasn't possible...yet the voice of the people have spoken.
This blog will continue to operate and posts will continue to come. I plan to keep an eye on the future Obama administration and politics in general. It's been great being involved, researching the issues, and having the knowledge needed to make an educated decision. November 4, 2008 will forever be etched in my mind.
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